Illinois School Report Card Data Comparison Tool (12/3/2024 ISBE data for 2024)
The Low Income Comparison Filter finds the 29 districts or schools with a low income % such that the selected district or school falls
as close to the median of the list (15 of 29) as possible when sorted by low income %. This list of comparable districts is calculated dynamically and will change
depending on the currently selected district or school.
Why use the Low Income Comparison Filter?
Performance varies widely between districts throughout the state in both ELA and Math. In order to gauge a school or
district's relative performance to other districts, it is useful to have a comparison group in order to
answer the question of "how are we performing as compared to our peers." The question then is how to define our peers.
After reviewing relationships between performance and many of the other variables available to us, we found that
there is a consistent correlation between low income % and the various metrics indicative of student achievement
that generally varies from moderate to strong (R>=0.6 and R>=0.8, respectively) depending on the selected
schools or districts. While not perfect, this provides one basis by which to group districts or schools that we
could expect to perform in a similar way.
While this is certainly not the only possible approach to develop peer groups, it does help us put context
around a district's performace in terms of being typical, above, or below its low income peers. Our scores tell
us how we are doing in general, but by using peer groups it helps to answer the question of: "how should we be doing?"
The assumption in place is that all other things being equal, a district is
likely to perform similarly to its low income peers; the implication is that if a district is not performing
in that way, then all things are not equal. These are the items that we should be able to control and adjust when
a underperforming one's peers, and conversely, share with others to help them improve when a district rises to the top
of its group.
To make this type of analysis quick and easy, this filter has been added to this system to allow the user to quickly analyze
a school or district's performance against its low income peer group.
Performance and Growth data sourced from ISBE report card datafiles for 2023 and 2024
found here:
Index scores sourced via FOIA request from ISBE.
Data processed to create the inputfile for this system through this
Jupyter notebook: Open Google Collab iPython notebook
Created December 2024 for Homer CCSD 33C by Al Kirkus - Assistant Superintendent for Business, Homer CCSD 33C . [email protected] . 708-226-7605